“Your spouse completes you and together you are one. As God works in both of you, you will start to see how you fit together. We tend to only see what is in front of us right now. We often don’t look ahead to see the big picture God has drawn out for our families. We need to look beyond our problems and see our marriages as God sees them, restored and whole. I may not have a perfect marriage now and I am definitely not perfect, nor is my husband, but I look ahead to what God can change us to be. Amanda Beth, You Can Have a Happy Family, 60.
I asked Amanda two questions about her book, You Can Have a Happy Family. The questions and her answers are below.
1) What inspired you to write this book?
The Lord inspired me. I was leading Bible studies in my home when I felt a strong leading from the Lord to write this book. My husband and I had a rough relationship for the first half of our 15 years of marriage. Once God worked in our marriage, people started noticing. My husband and I were often asked by others how we had such a happy marriage and family. We would always tell people that it was all God. But I felt it left people wanting to know more. That's when I knew God wanted me to share the steps He took us through to help us find true contentment in our home.

2) How do you hope this book will encourage Christian families?
My hope for this book is that the reader would know how much they are loved by the Lord. I pray that this book would give people hope and encouragement in their marriages and raising their children. I want the reader to walk away certain that God is fighting for their marriages and families. He truly wants nothing but the best for us.
Amanda Beth
Author, You Can Have a Happy Family
I am always looking for good resources for families. Right now my wife and I and another husband and wife are showing a video series on marriage to a young couple engaged to marry in June. There is a booklet accompanying the series with a Bible study on marriage and interactive questions. The next week we discuss our answers and then view the next video. It is encouraging to the two married couples, and even more so for the young couple. Biblical and common sense teaching on marriage and family is so important.
Amanda Beth’s book is a good resource for families. It could be used for personal reading or a small group study. You will enjoy it.
And now, the winner of the drawing to receive a free copy of Amanda’s book is ...
Thanks everyone for participating! And in a few weeks I plan on having another give away on Family Fountain.
Warren Baldwin
i am happy for the winner of this book! i always enjoy your posts on marriage, because even though i've been married almost 27 years, I find I still have to work at it daily!
Congratulations to the winner! I am so happy for you!
To those who didn't win, you still have one more chance to win a copy. Go to http://www.sharingtruths.com/?p=292 and post a comment to enter to win two books: "You Can Have A Happy Family" and Warren's book "Roaring Lions, Cracking Rocks, and Other Gems from Proverbs." You have from now until Sunday (10/30) to enter.
I will be announcing the winner on Monday (10/31) at www.sharingtruths.com.
Thanks everyone for entering. And thank you Warren for doing a giveaway! God bless:)
Beth - Thank you! And thanks for the comment about the posts. We never stop learning about marriage, do we? We'll be 30 years in March.
Amanda - Thanks for making the book available.
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