Wednesday, April 13, 2011

the resurrection power

The gospel of Jesus is powerful. Powerful enough to set us free from the destructiveness of sin. Powerful enough to saturate us with the complete fullness of God. This almighty gospel entails three very important aspects. The cross, the resurrection and the sending of the Holy Spirit. All too often, our focus lies solely on the cross. But the truth of the matter is that the work that was accomplished on the cross was only completed in the resurrection. Without the resurrection, the cross is meaningless.

 The power lies in the resurrection. Our faith hinges on the fact that we serve a risen King! Christ's resurrection from the dead is where the victory over sin was won. It's the hope of our salvation. The resurrection is about experiencing Christ in our lives. It's not just about knowing Him, but about living Him. It's about allowing Him to make necessary changes in our lives as we go from a head knowledge of God to a heart knowledge of a Savior.

In Henry Blackaby's book 'Experiencing the Resurrection', he lists four steps that are part of this growing process.

1. You must know the truth and understand what God has done in the resurrection.

2. You must believe it's true for your life.

3. You must receive the truth into your life. It's not good enough to know the truth or even believe the truth. You must embrace it as yours.

4. You must live the truth. That means taking what you've learned and acting upon it - making it part of your daily life.

Once we grasp this entire process and apply it to our own lives, we will find new life in Christ and experience Him in ways that we never imagined possible.

"That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection"
Philippians 3:10
Seeking Higher,


Nana Jul said...

That is the truth Beth! The hard part for me is the embracing...the part of surrendering my will, and embracing His. Even though I know "Father knows best" and I really do, and I have experienced His power, and seen Him work..I fight this every time. (what is up with that?!) Lord, Help me to lay it down and learn to embrace you and your will. Perfectly timed sister! Thank you for reminder!
Love ya,

Denise J. Hughes said...

To live the truth. That is my prayer.

Thanks for sharing this post. I'm going to have to get this book now!