Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Are you a Seeker?

I am a seeker. A seeker of God and a desperate seeker of His Word. I absolutely love to read the Word of God. I love to study it and let God show me new and amazing things nestled deep in the scriptures. He shows me familiar verses with new eyes. He reveals treasure in obscure passages and floods my heart with enlightened understanding.

"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth" (2 Timothy 2:15)

God's Holy Word. From His mighty lips to our hearts. Our needy and seeking hearts.

God-breathed. Holy Ghost-inspired. Living Truth.

I love the way everything in the scriptures just fits together so perfectly and proves itself true over and over. We see the prophecy of the Old Testament fulfilled many times in the New Testament. We see the perfection of the Word proved accurate and true time after time. Never contradicting. Never lacking in power. 

The Old Testament is full of such rich reading and is very important to our spiritual growth and to our Christian walk.  It is full of examples of God's power and sovereignty. Full of evidences of His wisdom and His might. Full of wonders for us to seek.

As we read the bible, both the Old  and New testament, we see God's people time after time, choosing to NOT follow God and His ways.  Choosing NOT to seek after God. And we see the evidence of God's punishment and chastisement that follows. Whether under the law or under grace, God's reaction to our disobedience is the same.

Jeremiah 10:10 says, "But the Lord is the true God, He is the living God, and an everlasting King. At His wrath the earth shall tremble and the nations shall not be able to abide His indignation"

Wow. That is some pretty rough stuff. So many times we read passages like this and we think that they were only applicable for those times. Old Testament. Before Jesus. Before grace.

Not so. God's Truth then is the same as God's Truth now. Is the earth not trembling with the wrath of God today? Is God not certainly full of indignation with the state of our world and with those who profess to be His children at this present time?

See, the beauty of God's Word is that it is timeless. His Word is as pertinent now as it was then. It speaks just as loudly and distinctly to our hearts in this generation as it did back in the days of Jeremiah.

God's Word is powerful. True. Eternal. Holy. Immutable. Inerrant.

It is full of wonder and full of mystery. Brimming over with marvelous passages of rich history and generous grace. Overflowing with everlasting Truth. Treasure waiting to be found by our seeking souls and hearts.

Oh, Father, help us to open your Word each time with new and eager expectation of meeting with You. As we pour over the scriptures, help us to see the wonder of Your Word and fill us with new understanding. Open our eyes and our hearts and fill us with the desire and longing to obtain deep knowledge of who You are. Grant us an encounter with You that will blow us away and change us forever. Show us your Glory!

Seeking Him Higher,


1 comment:

Sonya Lee Thompson said...

Thank you for this, Beth. I am a seeker, too. I'm so glad we are living under grace. While God still desire's for us to seek Him because He is ever seeking us.