There are different ways of showing honor. One of the best and most appreciated is often the most overlooked.
Warren Baldwin
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Ministry began for me very young as I was raised up by Godly parents who also love the Lord. God placed the fire in my heart and the yearning to serve Him, but my parents' encouragement definitely impacted the choices I have made.
We reside in Bucks County, PA. I work for our daughter's Christian school and love it. The area where I feel God has most given instruction to me is being content in every circumstance...I tend to be a worrier,and the Lord knows it!
Beth Herring has been happily married to her favorite preacher for over 25 years. They raised 3 daughters, Megan (26), Melissa (25) and Ashlie (22) and have been blessed with 7 amazing grandchildren.
She has a deep hunger and thirst to seek God higher and to know Him deeper. Her greatest desire is to bring glory to God in every part of her life and to spread the good news of an awesome Savior at the same time.Amanda is a wife of 15 years, mother of 4 children ages 2, 5, 6 & 10, and author of "You Can Have a Happy Family - Steps to Enjoying Your Marriage and Children." She has experienced a transformation in her life and marriage since she surrendered her heart to Christ 10 years ago. She now passionately desires to help other individuals and families find healing in Christ.
Warren Baldwin
Living always near the cross, let's hasten and not delay in obeying His commands...beginning in our marriages and our homes. "I will walk in my house with blameless heart." Psalm 101:2
In Prayer? In Bible Study and Memory [not just reading]? In Music? In Worship? In Service? In Giving? In Awe and Wonder?
If we do not selectively and intentionally TEACH these things to our children and grandchildren, spiritually, they will learn from the world instead. The 'world' is always teaching them 'something'. It is our job to teach them and show them that GOD IS REALLY SOMETHING and SOMEONE to KNOW and LOVE!I leave you with some intentional questions in this post in hopes that you might implement something here to enhance or 'step up' your level of homeschooling your kids spiritually.
Older, wiser and perhaps more quiet, I am thankful for the red lights, for the moments that force me to remember Jesus went to be alone and pray. Created in His likeness, he wants our hearts poised and ready for His message...have you hit a red light yet today?