Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Showing a pattern of
God's Love

Discipline for a child [and for us] is a necessity according to scriptures:

Proverbs 10:17
He who heeds discipline shows the way of life,
But whoever ignores correction
leads others astray.

Disciplining a child
is an act of Godly love.
It must be done …
· in love
· with great patience
· under control
· with an intention to produce good fruit as a result.
· to show the child the very pattern of God’s love for him/her
· with consistency by both parents
· to build the child’s trust in the parent and eventually in God’s decision
· to set the boundaries for instruction and teaching
· to create respect for all authority [yours, teachers, babysitters, and God’s]

Each time we discipline we must discipline the same way God disciplines us ~ so that we show a loving, caring, patient attitude; one always willing to show mercy and grace – yet firm and just… as God Himself would discipline us.

In any discipline of a child ~ it must be done in love and with great consistency. It must not be done in haste or done without forethought… but it must be done and done in love, if one truly loves the child God has given.
Left undone …
· leaves the door wide open for that child to go astray
· gives the child the upper hand
· leaves the child in charge of his life when he is not yet capable of that end
· sets the pattern of ‘self-willed’ rather than ‘God-willed’
· lets the child rule the house
· leaves open all boundaries the child really longs for
· leaves the child feeling unloved and uncared for

Read that verse one more time in the Amplified version. No matter which way you slice it, ignoring discipline [whether giving it or receiving it] is not God’s way for us or for our children.

Proverbs 10:17 [AMP]
17He who heeds instruction and correction is [not only himself] in the way of life [but also] is a way of life for others. And he who neglects or refuses reproof [not only himself] goes astray [but also] causes to err and is a path toward ruin for others.

What does it speak to you now?
Can you share godly ‘tips’ on discipline that might help others here?

Choosing JOY,


Warren Baldwin said...

Good point that discipline is an act of love. I think some people refrain from disciplining b/c it seems unloving. Yet, the most unloving person in the world is one who has been undisciplined his/her whole life. Even in adulthood they are demanding and totally unaware of the burdens they place on other people. Very good article.


Great words of wisdom added here, Warren. Interesting observation you bring about unloving people. This is a lesson for us as parents ~ but also for US [adults] being the children of God Who disciplines ~ all in the light of His love for us.

Camille said...

I find it interesting that the Scriptures actually say that he that does not correct his child actually HATES him! How easy it is to "let things slide" when it is incovenient for us...but is that love of the child? No, it is self-love. Interesting thought!

We have a fabulous book, you may have heard of ~ "Shepherding a Child's Heart" by Tedd Tripp...HIGHLY recommended! AND his brother wrote on directed to parents of teens ~ "Age of Opportunity" by Paul David Tripp. Both books are a *must* for any Christian parent's library.

May the LORD help us all to live our lives according to HIS Word...with His grace. We model the Saviour to our children through our dealings with them...what a sobering thought. How precious that HE promises to give the wisdom we need as we ask for it ~ James 1:5.




Thanks for your noteworthy comment. I just heard about that book and want to order it for one of my kids [with their kids].

I attended a conference at CCEF in Philadelphia where I heard Paul Tripp in person.

These are tender and vulnerable hearts we are responsible for raising. I hope my children don't repeat some of the mistakes that I made [in raising kids]. It's a tough job - but God put us in charge of that - not the schools or teachers or even the church or SS.

PRAYER begins the whole process!

Blessings, Stephanie

elaine @ peace for the journey said...


Just this morning while waiting for my PET scan, I watched a mother/grandmother scream at their two young children, one of which was wearing an armband and headed in the direction of radiology. The vulgar way in which they spoke broke my heart and reminded me, yet again, of how I always need to discipline my kids in love and for their good--not from my need to be a control monster.

Now, don't get my wrong. Those youngin's were wild, but it isn't hard to see why.

Good reminder, friend, both for my heart as a daughter of the King and as a mother with kids of her own!
