Friday, July 23, 2010

Date Your Mate

Are you married?  If so, how long?

Tim and I have been married for 17 1/2 years. Not too bad in a society where 50 to 60% of all marriages end in divorce. The startling thing about that statistic is this: The ratio is the same among Christians and non-Christians!

Doesn't that make you stop and wonder what is happening to our marriages?!?

Think back for a minute to how you two met...

For most of us there was a period of dating before falling in love and then deciding to get married. But once married, many couples seem to stop dating. Why?

Part of staying happily married has to do with spending time together. We need to fight so we don't lose that enchantment we once had in our partners.

Over the next few months, I'm going to blog every other Friday on dating ideas. I think every marriage needs to be spiced up - so why not start dating your mate again? It should add a little pizazz back into the mix.

Here's date #1

Get a travel guidebook for your city (check your local library or bookstore). Visit attractions that are off the beaten path (or that you have never seen). A guidebook may also contain self-guided walking tours that are fun and interesting. Or get a guidebook for a nearby city and make a day trip there. Plan to grab lunch at an outdoor cafe before you leave. (You could spice it up by renting a scooter or look for a Segway rental and guided tour.)  Most importantly, HAVE FUN!



Sharon Sloan said...

Great idea!! We live in beautiful Bucks County PA and still have so much to see of it! :)

Angel said...

We have been married a little over 20 years and you are right, dating is important. Looking back, I know the roughest times in our marriage were when we got too busy to date!!

Love this idea!!

Blessings to you!! Happy dating!!

Warren Baldwin said...

Good ideas.