Allow me to introduce myself. I am
. I am a Mom to three, Rebekah, Amy, and Jeffrey... a Mother-in-law to Rob, Daniel, and Susy..... a Mom-Mom to eight precious 'Kingdom Warriors' ~ in order of birth they are: Justin [6], Drew [5], Ethan [4], Jyden [4], Tessa [3], Braden[2], Malachi [1 -1/2] and Collin [1]. I am also a widow of almost four years. I have dedicated my life to full-time ministry in whatever God brings my way.
I hope you will enjoy my new column at Titus 2 in Action called: MIGHTY WARRIORS to gain some practical insight through prayer, in raising children and grandchildren in the light of God's Word - His TRUTH - with purpose - God's kingdom purpose .
I am blessed to join these other writers as we share our lives with you including our mistakes, frustrations, and faults. Hopefully, it will help you to learn to grow in faith toward Jesus Christ and follow His plan for what He desires to pass on to your children and grandchildren - as an ambassador in your family.
Please join me today in a special walk down 'memory lane' in my family heritage!
Genesis 10:7-9 (NIV)
7 The sons of Cush: Seba, Havilah, Sabtah, Raamah and Sabteca. The sons of Raamah: Sheba and Dedan.
8 Cush was the father of Nimrod, who grew to be a mighty warrior on the earth. 9 He was a mighty hunter before the LORD; that is why it is said, "Like Nimrod, a mighty hunter before the LORD." _____________________
Footnotes: Genesis 10:8
Father may mean ancestor or predecessor or founder... [from]
Judges 6:11-12 (NIV)
11 The angel of the LORD came and sat down under the oak in Ophrah that belonged to Joash the Abiezrite, where his son Gideon was threshing wheat in a winepress to keep it from the Midianites. 12 When the angel of the LORD appeared to Gideon,
He said, "The LORD is with you, mighty warrior."
[all Scripture emphasis added]
What kind of 'father' ~ ['mother'] ~ ancestor ~ predecessor ~ founder ~ do you desire to be in your family? Are you a first generation believer following Jesus who is the Way the Truth and the Life? Are you the first one in your family to name the Name of Christ? Or perhaps a second or third generation? Perhaps there was a 'founder' of faith in your family - perhaps a grandparent or great aunt someone who prayed for you - someone who sought after your good by speaking LIFE into your little life as a child?
God spoke life into Gideon. He spoke of what he was to become - the way God saw him in his kingdom and for His purpose. We can follow this pattern from God - to speak life into our little loved ones. Note: a Dragonfly is a sign of a Warrior. You might even want to encourage your kids to collect them - just as a reminder of what you are praying for them. It's just a 'symbol' for them to understand better these scriptures portrayed in light our prayers for them.
How do you speak that life of faith into your children and grandchildren now? Even if you are not a parent - you can and will speak something into the life of another and most likely a child. We all have the ability [from God] to see these precious little ones as God's Mighty Warriors in the kingdom of God.
When my husband, Bob, was fighting his 5 year battle with cancer, we were blessed in the second year of that battle with out first grandchild [who is now six years old]. Grandchildren did not come easy in our family. My oldest daughter, Rebekah, at that time, had already lost six babies to miscarriage. The doctors were unsure if her body would ever allow her to carry her own offspring. My daughter-in-law , Susy, also lost 2 babies to miscarriage. Many prayed for them. We all prayed. What was going on? Would I never see the fruit of my womb be blessed with fruit from their womb? In the meantime, my middle daughter, Amy, got pregnant and almost lost her first son prior to delivery in the hospital.
Justin was only 4 lbs. 5 oz. at birth [see top photo]. Note: Photo of boy with Bible storybook is Justin.
Having cancer gave my husband a new perspective on life and also on the life of his [our]new grandchild. After those first six miscarriages that my oldest daughter, Rebekah had, she and her husband decided to ask God one last time to allow them a child of their own. This time - it happened. Miracle #7 was born. His name is Andrew [Drew]. He was our second grandchild.
Thus began a prayer that my husband uttered before the Lord one morning ... "Lord, will You bless these children and make them into 'Mighty Warriors' for Your kingdom purposes that You desire them to be?"
The prayer didn't end there - it began there. Together we prayed, "Lord, give these children [and those still to come] a life of faith. Please bring them to Jesus at an early age to understand and love and know YOU, as Savior and Lord of their lives. Grow them into the roles that they will play in your kingdom purposes. Make them strong and bold and powerful to bring glory to Your Name!"
Then came Ethan... then Jyden [which means Jehovah-Jireh [the Lord will provide]... and then Tessa Hope [our only girl]. God extended Bob's life for 124 days [in a miracle of events] in which he was able to see and hold these last two [of five] who were born before his home going to heaven.
Now I am responsible for carrying on that same prayer that my husband began for his grandchildren - his heritage - his inheritance. "With blessing comes responsibility," my friend Nancy, reminded me. I have been blessed with three more grandchildren since that time, Braden, Malachi, and Collin. Bob never saw or knew the last three [and more to come I hope] but his prayer and his legacy of faith lives on in the lives of those little ones.
Psalm 22:27-31 [NKJV]
27 All the ends of the world
Shall remember and turn to the LORD,
And all the families of the nations
Shall worship before You.
28 For the kingdom is the LORD’s,
And He rules over the nations.
29 All the prosperous of the earth
Shall eat and worship;
All those who go down to the dust
Shall bow before Him,
Even he who cannot keep himself alive.
30 A posterity [seed] shall serve Him.
It will be recounted of the Lord to the next generation,
31 They will come and declare His righteousness to a people who will be born,
That He has done this. [all Scripture emphasis added]
In their young lives, already Justin [our oldest] and Drew [the second oldest] have come to receive Jesus into their heart and life. Drew is one of the MK's now serving with his parents in Haiti! At age 5 he wants to tell people about Jesus' love for them.
Will you speak LIFE into your offspring? Will you PRAY earnestly for them to be MIGHTY WARRIOR'S in the kingdom of God for His glory and purpose?
Father God ~ You are Sovereign over all creation. I pray today for those reading this post - that they will find HOPE here ~ they will find JOY in You ~ they will find the Word of TRUTH here ~ they will find Your kingdom purpose in raising families that will bring You glory. Lord, bring all of our precious offspring and ourselves as well ~ in line with being Mighty Warriors in this kingdom age ~ as we live out our journey connecting and encouraging one another along the way. For this we give You Praise and Glory due Your Name! Amen and Amen!
Choosing JOY in our Heritage,
I think it should be a deep hearted desire within all Christian parents to instill in our children the way of the Lord and thus when our time with them is over, God will take over and continue to parent them in the ways He has taught us.
What a powerful post.
Please stop by my blog today and make sure you sign up for the giveaway that ends today. The book is a masterpiece in itself.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
I am so excited to have you on board with Titus 2 In Action! I look forward to the words of wisdom God will bring through your writings.
Stephanie -
Good post about your family heritage. You are a great addition to Titus 2 In Action. wb
Hello T2 Family! I have been out of town for over two weeks. Just checking in to tell you I will be catching up on reading (hopefully) over the next few weeks! :)
Stephanie - welcome! What a pleasure to have you!
Thank you for sharing a beautiful and encouraging post! I have enjoyed my visit here.
God bless you.
Welcome back, Sharon
Parenting is so important. We are leaving a legacy. Likewise, we can break the legacy of our parents, should we need too. I am thankful for that as well.
Thank you all for your heartfelt welcome at Titus 2 in Action! I am excited for what God will do here.
Thank you to those who take the time to read and comment on this blog site!
I just wanted to share a last minute update on how good our God is! Since the writing of this very post - I just found out that #9 grandchild is now on its way and is due near my husband's birthday in mid-February! Then - just five minutes ago - I received a phone call from my 3rd oldest grandson, Ethan, who called to tell me that on July 9th he asked Jesus to come into his heart and be his Savior and Lord. He is 4 almost 5. His parents had been praying over him about this for a few weeks and he actually did it all on his own and then told my daughter on Friday night so she prayed with him to be sure he understood all that he had done.
God is soooo faithful in all His ways. Praying for them really does produce eternal fruit and blessings beyond measure!
Now my three oldest grandchildren belong to Jesus! Praise Him for His goodness!
Choosing GREAT JOY,
Stephanie, I do praise HIM for His goodness. I praise Him for His wisdom in you and His strength of a warrior in you. What a powerful prayer you and your husband uttered for your grandchildren. What a living legacy. I do pray like prayers for my grandchildren. I bless them and give them to the Lord the very first time I hold them in my arms. I dedicated them to His service when I racked them to sleep and let them fell the vibration of my deep voice against my chest , as I prayed for them. Precious moments now past. But there will hopefully be great-grandchildren to do the same with.
My prayer is that my ceiling will become the floor that my children and grandchildren dance upon. That they will have found me faithful and that they will become even more faithful because of the faithful foundation of prayer that raised them up and continues to support them in all they do
God bless you, friend
Patrina <")>><
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