Monday, July 12, 2010

Summertime - A Season of Opportunity

How's your summer going? How about for your children?

My summer has been great - but busy! We've spent a large chunk of time swimming at the pool, the beach, and even hanging out at the mall. We've had play dates with friends, and birthday parties to attend.

Summer is the season for vacations, right? Sure it is! It could also be the perfect opportunity to help your kids step out of their comfort zones and share about Jesus while they're playing.

We've spent some time talking with our kids about the importance of sharing God's love with others. They are getting the same teaching from our church.

Boldness - that's really what we are trying to teach them. So how do you teach something like that? Especially if you have a fairly shy child?

Well, here are some examples we've been using:

First, we let our kids go into a small market (like a gas station or 7-11) and buy some gum - without mom or dad. We just give them the money and tell them to handle it themselves.

Another boldness builder is to have your kids ask a clerk for the location of a specific item in the grocery store (being sure to respond politely).

Next, have them invite other kids to join them in an organized game at the pool or park.

I've also spent time giving my kids one-liners to use when they first meet a new potential friend.(I've seen my 4 year old use these lines - you never know who's listening!)

These kinds of things don't come naturally to every personality type. However, we need to learn how to be comfortable talking with others in order to fulfill the Great Commission.

The next step is to have them share about Jesus in some way. Take this opportunity to let your kids come up with sample ideas. (One example is to have your child take an extra popsicle to another kid at the pool and just say, "I just wanted to tell you that Jesus loves YOU." Then they just walk away.) It's a fun way to prepare them to do God's work.

Oh, be prepared, because the best way to lead is by example!

"Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever." 1 Corinthians 9:25 (NIV emphasis mine)




There's never a wrong time or a wrong age to teach kids to share their own faith in Christ!

If they can learn at a young age not to be intimidated by that - the easier it will be when they are an adult.

Blessings for your remaining summer!


Jesson Balaoing said...

i love summertime!

Warren Baldwin said...

Good job.