As I was getting ready to share the different needs men and women have, I was preparing a series on my other blog about igniting the fire in our Spirits. I thought that topic would be great to use for marriage as well. What better way to meet our spouses' needs than through a heart that is truly blazing for them.
Our hearts are usually on fire for the Lord, but not so much for our spouses. When in fact, we should be as excited being one with our spouses as we are being one with Christ.
After returning from our honeymoons, the blazing hearts we have for our spouses start to simmer down as life goes on. Once we start to have children, the fire that is left often gets extinguished as the kids take precedence over our relationships with our spouses.
But with God's help we can re-ignite that fire in our marriages and set our hearts blazing again for our spouses!
Igniting the fire doesn't mean we have to feel romantic toward our spouses 24/7. My husband and I have 4 children ages 2 to 10. With all the commotion in our home, we don't exactly have a lot of time for romance. Our kids are constantly active. A day doesn't go by where someone doesn't get hurt, something doesn't get broken or spilled, and a fight doesn't break out over a toy.
At the end of the day, when our kids are in bed, my husband and I don't break out the candles and wine and gaze into each others' eyes. Rather, we usually snuggle up together and then gaze at the inside of our eyelids while passing out in exhaustion.
But that doesn't mean we are not on fire for each other. Our fire is enjoying being with each other during the chaos life throws at us. Our fire is having a marriage filled with unconditional love. Our fire is trusting that no matter what happens, we will stand beside each other until death do us part.
I believe this is the type of fire in our marriages God desires for us—marriages that will continue blazing even through the storms in life.
I am doing this Ignite The Fire In Your Marriage series bi-weekly on Fridays for as many weeks as the Lord leads me. I believe this will be a powerful series that will ignite that fire in your heart, first for the Lord, and then for your spouse, so your marriage can stand strong through the storms in life.
Don't forget to come back on Friday 1/20 as the series continues. Until then, God bless!

Thanks, Amanda. I've found looking at only the positive attributes of my spouse helps me stay on fire for him.
Hi Sonya! Thanks for your comment. Yes, definitely focusing on the positive will draw us closer to our spouses.
God bless:)
Well said.... Thanks for sharing this!
Thanks for reading, Jenny! Blessings to you:)
God has used you with this post...Thank you sweet sister for sharing this..
Gods Peace :O)
Aww, I'm so happy it blessed you. Praying for you:) God bless!
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